FIXSOL a business unit of Fidel Softech Pvt. Ltd which is in the market since decade and helps enterprises to be more efficient through domain-driven software and consulting and training offerings.
FIXSOL has expertise in electronic trading domain and can address clients need at every stage in terms of training, consultancy and testing and monitoring solution and wide range of service.
FIXSOL provides testing solution to all asset classes to buy-side, sell-side, exchange and vendors which server purpose of complete automated testing with high end feature list to achieve rigorous testing using dynamic test cases. In addition to that FIXSOL offers wide range of services client on-boarding and certification, Support & maintenance (Batch Processing and automation, QA & regression Testing & FIX Engine Management, overall support to Trading liefcycle) etc.
FIXSOL (Fidel SofTech Pvt Ltd) privately held company based in India, Pune. FIXSOL is a member of FPL (FIX Protocol Ltd) and actively participated in events in Asia-Pacific region.
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