Our lifestyle, in today’s world is becoming busy and stressful day after day. This calls for an urge to keep monitoring our health to become much more active and competitive human being. As we pass on different stages of life, health checkups become essential for our better future.
Think about these scenarios and try to analyze how difficult situation it gets when these instances happen to you or someone you love:
As one can analyze from these examples, health checkup is essential to have as an option because accidents and illnesses don’t give us warning before coming. They just happen anytime and come with or without our permission. If we don’t get examined at correct time, an illness or injury can become deadly or cause further health problems for rest of our life.
Why health checkups (are) important
Regular health scrutiny can help find problems before they arise. These examinations, thereby increases chances for better treatment and cure. By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, one takes a step that supports him to live long and a healthy life. A persons, health and family history lifestyle choices (i.e. what they eat, how energetic they are, whether they smoke, etc.) and other important factors impact what and how often they need to undergo health checkups.
Electronic Trading (FIX)
Health check, constant monitoring and escalation are applicable to today’s trading and related applications. In recent years, there has been a rapid change in the requirement for trading & related applications. These frequent changes could force unknown bugs and issues in operational trading system and could cause massive impact on business
Automated Testing Tool:
To avoid such impact it is always recommended to go for thorough testing and respective validation. To cover complete scope of trading application, scalability and accuracy consider automation testing tool where you can run bulk test scenarios and validate. These tools not only help in the accuracy, but for long run are cost-effective and less time consuming. These tools also help at the year end, when audit takes place.
Monitoring Tool:
As electronic trading platform is integrated with number of clients having an issue in the system is quite possible. Considering different technologies, time zones, rules and regulations per market and that could trigger unknown issues and bugs. Here need arises for monitoring tool to track such issues at the earliest and address them to avoid potential impact in production.
We all know that, this is 3rd generation of electronic trading via FIX Protocol and one can achieve smooth daily operations while adapting frequent market changes by having automated testing Tool and 24 by 7 monitoring and escalation tool.
At the end every financial organization is looking for alpha in its business and definitely by having Testing & monitoring Tool plug in with trading application will help to focus on core business rather than daily operational issues.
If you have any requirements for FIX protocol-based solutions for Electronic Trading, do not hesitate to contact +91-20-49007800 or email- sales@fixsol.com